2.0 EcoBoost 204pk to (factory) 240pk (or 250pk?)

New Ford cosmic car

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 3
Зарегистрирован: 24 окт 2017, 14:57

2.0 EcoBoost 204pk to (factory) 240pk (or 250pk?)

Сообщение Da_Teach »

I was just wondering if UCDS allows a remap to the factory 240pk map on the Mondeo MK5 and if so, what license would be required?

Also what license is required for some of the basic features like cross traffic alert and tire pressure?

Doubting between UCDS (with nice, easy features) and odblink mx (and forscan/etc), the 240pk map (and the ability to revert to 203pk for factory warranty) would definitely make me chose UCDS :)

Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 18 май 2021, 20:48

Re: 2.0 EcoBoost 204pk to (factory) 240pk (or 250pk?)

Сообщение BrooksKeith »

The answer to the question Also what license is required for some of the basic features like cross traffic alert and tire pressure? Can be found if you contact biostatistics homework help asap.
