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APIM (Sync3) update to HB5T-14G374-CA failed

Добавлено: 29 дек 2018, 03:29

in my Mondeo MK5 build March 2015 I changed the Sync2 to a used Sync3 3.0. I don't know from which kind of car it is.

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		<d DID="F10A" Desc="ECU Cal-Config Part Number" Data="GB5T-14G379-AA"/>
		<d DID="F110" Desc="On-line Diagnostic Database Reference Number" Data="DS-GB5T-14G371-CB"/>
		<d DID="F111" Desc="ECU Core Assembly Number" Data="HS7T-14G380-CA"/>
		<d DID="F113" Desc="ECU Delivery Assembly Number" Data="HS7T-14G371-FAE"/>
		<d DID="F124" Desc="ECU Calibration Data #1 Number" Data="GB5T-14G375-FA"/>
		<d DID="F16B" Desc="ECU Cal-Config #2 Part Number" Data=""/>
		<d DID="F188" Desc="Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number" Data="GB5T-14G374-CB"/>
Now I updated it to the version of a APIM in a new Mondeo MK5 build June 2018 with TPEG over DAB enabled:

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		<d DID="F10A" Desc="ECU Cal-Config Part Number" Data="GB5T-14G379-AA"/>
		<d DID="F110" Desc="On-line Diagnostic Database Reference Number" Data="DS-HB5T-14G371-CA"/>
		<d DID="F111" Desc="ECU Core Assembly Number" Data="HL1T-14G380-CB"/>
		<d DID="F113" Desc="ECU Delivery Assembly Number" Data="JR3T-14G371-FED"/>
		<d DID="F124" Desc="ECU Calibration Data #1 Number" Data="HB5T-14G375-FA"/>
		<d DID="F16B" Desc="ECU Cal-Config #2 Part Number" Data="HB5T-14G379-BA"/>
		<d DID="F188" Desc="Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number" Data="HB5T-14G374-CA"/>
I used UCDS The Sync3 seems to work flawless. The Sync3 shows only the DTC "U2100 - Ausgangskonfiguration nicht abgeschlossen". How can I get rid of this DTC?

A friend tried this too with his retrofitted Sync3 3.2 und UCDS

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		<d DID="F10A" Desc="ECU Cal-Config Part Number" Data="GB5T-14G373-AA"/>
		<d DID="F110" Desc="On-line Diagnostic Database Reference Number" Data="DS-GB5T-14G371-CD"/>
		<d DID="F111" Desc="ECU Core Assembly Number" Data="HS7T-14G380-CB"/>
		<d DID="F113" Desc="ECU Delivery Assembly Number" Data="JS7T-14G371-FDC"/>
		<d DID="F124" Desc="ECU Calibration Data #1 Number" Data="GB5T-14G375-FB"/>
		<d DID="F16B" Desc="ECU Cal-Config #2 Part Number" Data="GB5T-14G379-BA"/>
		<d DID="F188" Desc="Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software Number" Data="GB5T-14G374-CD"/>
But he failed. The Update Wizard with a modified backup file stops after flashing the Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software. The VBF-Loader needs many tries and do only flash the Vehicle Manufacturer ECU Software, too. He can't flash the other parts.

Why has it worked with my retrofitted Sync3, but does not work with hims?

Re: APIM (Sync3) update to HB5T-14G374-CA failed

Добавлено: 11 фев 2019, 22:42
Why would you flash another software?
I did this and I only modified the DirectConfig for the APIM module and updated the Sync to the latest version via an USB stick.
I would write the original software back, take the DirectConfig from a SYNC3 vehicle and see how it works.

Re: APIM (Sync3) update to HB5T-14G374-CA failed

Добавлено: 27 фев 2019, 21:26
The solution to get rid of the DTC "U2100 - Ausgangskonfiguration nicht abgeschlossen" (English: Initial Configuration Not Complete) is to read the ASbuilt-data from the APIM and write the whole ASbuilt-data unchanged back to the APIM. Then you can clear this DTC. I tried it with FORScan and it works. The DTC is permanently gone.