handbrake light gone

New Ford cosmic car

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 71
Зарегистрирован: 22 фев 2018, 09:01

handbrake light gone

Сообщение mondeo2015 »

Although the electric brake is working fine, the telltale is gone. when I operate the brake, the light doesn't show up on the dash.
When I put contact on without starting, the light is not there. Is it possible to enable it again with UCDS?
If someone knows, please let me know asap. What module to adjust? IPC for sure, but BCM or......also?
Thank you very much

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Сообщения: 115
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015, 06:30

Re: handbrake light gone

Сообщение DeadlySin »

Did you upgrade IPC?

Сообщения: 71
Зарегистрирован: 22 фев 2018, 09:01

Re: handbrake light gone

Сообщение mondeo2015 »

Yes, I did

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Сообщения: 115
Зарегистрирован: 29 авг 2015, 06:30

Re: handbrake light gone

Сообщение DeadlySin »

Return old version and everything begin to work correct
