2015 mondeo keyless entrey

New Ford cosmic car

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 17
Зарегистрирован: 02 сен 2019, 21:39

2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение tunademir45 »

My 2015 mondeo titanium is equipped with keyless entry door handles but does not work because it is closed. how do I activate this feature with ucds?

Сообщения: 69
Зарегистрирован: 01 фев 2018, 23:16

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение larsmdk »

I think it just has the handle and no sensor for it

Сообщения: 47
Зарегистрирован: 02 авг 2015, 16:30

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение janel »

The lock sign on the handle is misleading. Most people think that it is for keyless entry, but in reality the lock sign shows that the mechanical lock is placed underneath the logo.

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Зарегистрирован: 01 сен 2020, 11:17

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение przemo__7 »

Hello everyone, I don't wanted to start a new topic so I write here, after I've done a research, I've found that 90% of Mondeo Mk5 have ability to activate keyless entry. Main point is that it should have a keyless go. My friend with UCDS read all of my car modules and it have RTM module for keyless entry. Handles have also cables inside ( check a link). Does anyone know how to configure that with the UCDS?

Thank you.

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... ssVuo7ZPrW

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 01 окт 2020, 16:50

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение ekalender »

Are you find a solution?

Сообщения: 1
Зарегистрирован: 14 окт 2020, 16:39

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение micvil »


The keyless doorhandles (check if the wiring is there);
Check the wiring of the connector c2280e on the BCM;
Find a VIN which matches your car as much as possible, with keyless entry;
Compare both firmwares of the BCM in UCDS. In my case 1 file was different;
Flash the BCM using the UCDS update wizard with the new firmware using the donor VIN;
That's it

Haven't tried it yet. Please post if someone succedes :-)

Сообщения: 13
Зарегистрирован: 01 окт 2020, 16:50

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение ekalender »

unfortunately I cannot find donor vin. and actually the file needed for all tools is the same but no one shares it

Сообщения: 5
Зарегистрирован: 12 дек 2019, 14:23

Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение Wyrkan »

Try this
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Re: 2015 mondeo keyless entrey

Сообщение kroligoff »
