IPC connection on bench

New Ford cosmic car

Модератор: DanMc85

Сообщения: 71
Зарегистрирован: 22 фев 2018, 09:01

IPC connection on bench

Сообщение mondeo2015 »

I am still struggling with the connection of the IPC to the test bench...What can signal is the IPC using? HS2?
I need the wiring diagram /pinout of the IPC connector.
Also, I would need an emulator ( CAN singnal generator) ?
Which will do?
Thanks in advance

Сообщения: 7
Зарегистрирован: 29 ноя 2020, 01:32

Re: IPC connection on bench

Сообщение PLSA »

get an emulatorfrom aliexpress that would be wayy easier, it has BCM + GWM

Сообщения: 4
Зарегистрирован: 02 дек 2020, 18:33

Re: IPC connection on bench

Сообщение robby »

For which Emulator i have to search?

Thank you

Сообщения: 11
Зарегистрирован: 13 янв 2020, 18:50

Re: IPC connection on bench

Сообщение flintdk »

I would love to know which emulator to use too!

Сообщения: 122
Зарегистрирован: 04 ноя 2017, 08:10

Re: IPC connection on bench

Сообщение Artist »

It is necessary to make an arduino, or use a Bcmii unit and connect via the ipc connector on the table ...
